Friday, January 27, 2012

With One Moment, Things Change Forever

Have you ever sat back and thought one decision, one action, one word, one event can and has changed your life forever. This has been big on my mind lately. It can really be anything, deciding to go one way to a place, instead of another has the potential to be life saving. Coming out of your comfort zone and saying hello to a random stranger can create an instant friendship. I mean think about it. Is there one moment you can think of that if it didn't happen that certain way things would be drastically different now? We all have at least one of these moments. Really, we all have lots of these moments, and probably daily.

I have one MAJOR life changing moment in mind that I would love to share. Last summer my life drastically changed, all in one night. Let me say this, if this event that was being held didn't happen and if I didn't make this one decision I am not really sure where I would be today. I probably would not be near as happy, not hanging out with a right group of people, not any where near as close to God as I am. Most likely, I would be miserable and completely unhappy. Intense right?!

I am a part of Passion City Church (as I have mentioned before). God placed me there for a reason I know, because He has completely turned my life upside down. He broke me completely down to make me realize that I am NOTHING with out Him. One of our key headlines at PCC is JESUS IS ALIVE, and boy does that reign true in my life. Its been a hard process, but I am getting to a place where it's good. Am I even close to perfect? Not at all, but I know my God is good, and He has brought me back from death to life.

Oh, sorry for the tangent. Back to the life changing moment. That was just a little set up...

Summer of 2011, we had this thing at church called SUMMER IN THE CITY. This was it, that was my life changing moment, and there I made some last minute decisions that has changed my life completely.

Let me give you a little back story...

For my first two years of college I went to Carson- Newman. I loved it there, for the most part. Summer going in to my junior year I found out I would have to take some time off from school. I was sad, but I understood and knew God had a reason for this. It was going to be okay. Well coming home was harder than expected. Not many people knew the tough time I had. I had about 3 friends at home, so it got lonely. I missed having a group of friends to goof off with all of the time. I missed being up really late and making Taco Bell runs. I missed all of it. It is a private christian school, so it was also a little shocking going from the "private school bubble" to the world. It was rough. By the time summer of 2011 rolled around, I had almost given up hope completely.

Just some of the fun times I had at Carson-Newman

When Summer in the City came around I gained a little bit of hope. I went into the whole process saying I am going to be open, outgoing, and I am going to find some great friends to just do life with! Well little did I know... 

At SITC we had community groups, where you just got to meet random people, get to know them and discuss life and God with them. This is where it began. I don't remember who specifically was in my group, but I do remember afterwards. We made the decision to go out to eat with a big group of people and this is where I met some friends who have become my best friends! 

From that Wednesday on we went out to eat and tried to get as many people as possible to come. One Wednesday we decided to go to Fellinis, well it ended up being about 35 of us that night. This was a night I will truly never forget. I met people who have changed my life forever. People who don't care who I am, they love me for exactly what I am. It is truly marvelous. If you don't have a group of friends like this I really recommend you getting plugged in somewhere. Don't be afraid to talk to people. You never know where that will take you. 

If I wouldn't of gone to SITC, if I didn't talk to people I didn't know, if I didn't invite random people to go to dinner with us, if they decided not to have SITC, my life would be 100% different than it is now. I think God everyday that it happened the way it did. I don't know where I would be with out it. 

These people.... wow... no words can describe how much I am thankful for them. 

So I leave you with this...

"Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and grace to help us in our time of need." Hebrews 4:16

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