Saturday, January 14, 2012

Goodbyes, Well for Lack of a Better Word... SUCK!!

Well can I get an AMEN?!

Whether these goodbyes are forced, unexpected, only temporary, or needed, they are in fact one of the worst things to experience. 

What brings this up you ask? Well actually a couple things. Recently I said goodbye to a person who has become one of my best friends, luckily she will be back in four months. It helps that she is going to do big things for God in Africa. So we decided that we guessed it was okay to let her go. :D Plus I mean she is bringing me back a giraffe. 

Another goodbye that wasn't too fun, is that I just had to council a very close friend of mine (Let us call her Tina) into the prospect of saying goodbye to some of her closest friends. This is a case of a goodbye that was needed, but was still just as hard, if not more so. It was one of those thing where she had been there for them and their bad decisions. She tried to talk to them about their lifestyle choices all she could. They wouldn't listen. Trying to keep up with the friendship and not get dragged down to where they had found themselves wore on Tina like no other. 

So she came to me for help and through prayer and God's guidance Tina decided it would be best to take a step back and give them a considerable distance. Maybe find friends who can be uplifting. She isn't going to completely turn her back on them, but she had to say goodbye for now. 

Goodbyes stick with you for a while. Sometimes it's hard to get over, but there is no going back. People come in and out of your life for a reason, you just have to trust God and know that there is a purpose for the pain and emptiness you may feel. 

So I leave you with this...

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11

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